Sunday, April 15, 2012

stuff i wrote when i was 12: MONDAY SHOULD BE NO CLASSES

ok, this is another thing i wrote 2 years ago, so sorry if i sound like an idiot when i was talking about my suitors (see number 4), i 'censored' the names of the guys i was (i wont say my suitors) involved with.. just to be careful.. 

just forgive my thoughts, this was 2 years ago!

        I really expected that Monday would be no classes, well, because of the SONA. I have so much to do! I have so much to study. I just want to change my life.

         J#$&% was the first one to tell me there would be no classes on Monday. I already planned my schedule and hoped I can do that but, all of a sudden, on 23rd of July my classmate told be there would be classes on Monday since were not affected by it. Kevin informed us that only those schools near the Commonwealth would have no classes, he even waited for our school name to appear but he didn’t saw it. I didn’t believed him at first until our teacher announced and confirmed that were would classes on Monday. I was nearly crying when I heard the announcement but I just told myself that I can study in two days… But can you imagine it? Two days!!!

I’m so stressed these days because of the quizzes, because of my friends and other stuffs. I wasn’t been having a good and long sleep since Monday. I was planning to study at night and limit my sleeping time to two to three hours. But the result was bad. It was very different from what I expected. Instead of 6 subjects I just studied Biology. I didn’t have time to focus on other subjects and I wasn’t able to follow my schedule. Well, that’s because of some “important” reasons…
1.   Assignments… I have a lot of tasks to do!
2.   Chat with me ‘till dawn. It’s one of my temptations.
3.   My piano. This is my greatest temptations, whenever I saw my piano smiling at me it tempts me to play it. So, I spend like 50 minutes playing my keyboard..
4.   My suitors. The fact is I already have three suitors. But all in all there were six guys who had been having a crush on me.  The first one was J*%^#$%, which is one of my suitors, he’s been liking me since R#^#@$% was my boyfriend. The second one was J#$&%*. After the courtship with E%#^*&, now, he’s wooing with me. And, R#%^& was my last suitor, he didn’t directly asked me that but J%$#%#$%#$ told it to me.  J#$&%*  and R#%^& definitely don’t have the chance but I’m not sure with J*%^#$% since I dealt with him that after one year of his courtship I promised him what he wanted, and that is me, to be his girlfriend. M%$#^&*% is not my suitor since he already have his girlfriend but there was a day that he told me that he has a crush on me but that was sort of idolizing me. The other one was A^&#%%@, he’s not my suitor too but since I was in first year high school he’s showing me signs that he liked me. I’m not sure with this one but A%#$%#$ do told me that J&$@ P#*@ has a crush on me. He “Type ka daw ni J&$@ P#*@.”, but I guess I just didn’t heard clearly who he’s talking about because  J&$@ P#*@  has been asking about L^%& these days. If I were to choose which of them would be ok to be my boyfriend I think I’ll choose  J&$@ P#*@ .. He’s super cute, cheerful, serious, stick to one, and understanding. Definitely the kind of guy I like.
5.   Sleepiness. The worst cause of my disobedience in following the schedule was being sleepy. Every night when I study for like 4 minutes I always get sleepy and so, I rest my head and after waking up from a sudden and unexpected sleep I realize I just consumed 2 hours! It gets worse every night. I can’t even understand what I am studying. The bad thing was I always drink coffee to stay awake but I end up realizing it’s already 4:20 and I had slept without accomplishing my assignment or my jobs. I also know that coffee is extremely dangerous especially for teens like me.
6.   Ruined Thursday. It’s all my mom’s fault why I wasn’t able to study the following night. She thought I was the one sleeping on the lower bed and so she didn’t woke me up. So she woke up at 4:00 am realizing that it was my father who had been sleeping that night. I got very angry at her.
I know that some of my so-important reasons are not really important but it doesn’t mean that I should be very strict with myself.

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